Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dalton State College 2/27/2013

As I walked across campus I noticed the Dogwood tree was blooming. I took several shots, most of which were passable, but two really stood out:
I also saw some interesting shapes and textures. Like this picture of the base of the Bell Tower:

There were many more intriguing things to look at on campus. I will stop here for now. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Little River Canyon

Little River Canyon is located near Fort Payne, Alabama. This scenic area provided the opportunity for me and my friends to capture many images of two waterfalls. There weren't just two waterfalls, but since we are all horrendously out of shape we didn't dare try for more. The main fall,
is located very close to the parking area. It makes a nice place to stop if traveling through the area. 

The second fall, named Martha's Fall, 
was a little under a mile away from the main fall. There was no clear trail to get to the location, so much of the walk was through a natural path. The part that really made a difference for us was the steep bank that lead down to the fall itself. As always, going down wasn't really an issue. Coming back up, however, was a different story. 

The site maintained facilities (restrooms). Across the road was a full information center, but we didn't have time to explore it. From the state of the outside I would guess the inside was kept very well.